Martin Ahrer

Thinking outside the box

Hashicorp Nomad service discovery

2022-07-25 5 min read martin
With the recently released Nomad 1.3 a service registry backed by Nomad was added. This is making building complex services dependent on others really easy. Earlier we typically would have added Hashicorp Consul as service registry. In a production environment that would have meant to a add a Consul cluster running along with the Nomad cluster. Continue reading

Introduction to Hashicorp Nomad

2022-07-20 9 min read martin
In the past 2 years I successfully architected and developed a new product for a customer and brought it to production. This product uses Hashicorp’s job scheduler Nomad for managing workload. Nomad is an excellent alternative to Kubernetes. It is known for its simplicity in regard to usage and maintainability and allows to schedule containerized and non-containerized applications. Continue reading

Docker BuildKit

2020-04-16 2 min read martin
In the previous blog post of the building docker images series we had a look at Docker image build pipelines. We revealed typical problems and looked at how to overcome some by utilizing multistage builds. In part 4 of this series we work with an addition to the Docker tooling which is BuildKit. Continue reading
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